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NWO-I privacy statement applicants

NWO-I complies with the legislation on the protection of personal data. This privacy statement focuses on applicants. All privacy-sensitive information provided to NWO-I is covered by this privacy statement.
NWO-I makes every reasonable effort to treat privacy-sensitive information confidentially and will only use the information for the purposes described below.
NWO-I reserves the right to amend this privacy statement if changes in our policy, business operations, the law or case law give cause to do so.



If an applicant decides to respond to a vacancy, the applicant explicitly grants NWO-I permission to use the personal data (name, address, date of birth, cover letter, CV content etc.) for application purposes. The data will only be shared with the relevant employee(s) of NWO-I and the external application committee directly involved in the application procedure. The data will not be used for other purposes and will not be shared with third parties.

Retention period

Personal data filled in at the time of application will be kept for up to four weeks after completion of the application procedure. NWO-I also requests permission to retain the application data for up to one year after completion of the application procedure if the applicant still wishes to be approached for upcoming vacancies. After this year, the data will automatically be deleted from the system, unless the applicant indicates otherwise.

Application code

NWO-I complies with the application code as described in the NWO Implementation Regulations (IR) NWO. The recruitment code is derived from the NVP recruitment code (a code drawn up by the Dutch Association for Personnel Management & Organisation Development).


As an applicant, you have the right, among other things, to inspect your data, to have your data corrected if they are not up to date and to have your data deleted. Please contact us using the contact details below if you wish to exercise any of your rights. This applicant privacy statement is based on the NWO-I privacy policy


Do you have any questions or comments about this privacy statement? If so, you can always contact our Data Protection Officer via our privacy team.


Confidental Infomation