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Registration leave and sick leave

Here you will find information about registering holiday leave and absence due to illness.

Registration sickness absence

The employee should report absence due to sickness or return to work after sickness to you. The exact procedures can be found on the page Work and illness. As the line manager, you will maintain contact with the sick employee.

Registration leave of absence

For NWO-I employees in university workgroups (BUW), the P&O Department of NWO-I does not maintain a direct registration of leave. The local personnel service, the secretary of the department or the manager of the university concerned maintains the holiday registration, in consultation with you. NWO-I requests all employees in university research groups to pass along their taken leave through the portal NWO-I People. The P&O Department NWO-I registers the leave taken on the basis of these submissions. It may be possible that you will be asked for verification. 

For the exact conditions and rules, NWO-I refers you to Chapter 5 of the Collective Labour Agreement and to IR-2 Employment duration, work times and leave.

The NWO institutes and the NWO-I office maintain the leave registration themselves.

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