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Survey RI&E NSCR

The management of NSCR deems it important that all people within NSCR can work in a safe environment and without negative consequences for their health. Therefore we conduct a risk identification and evaluation (RI&E) so we can take the right measures to mitigate existing risks. An inspection of the office has already been performed.

Your cooperation is therefore highly appreciated.

The RI&E at NSCR will be performed by Sjoerd Wouda, the Health and Safety Officer of NWO-I. To complete the RI&E there are some topics that he can only examine by questioning employees and guests. Therefore we would like to ask you to fill out this questionnaire. It will take approximately five minutes. There are ten topics and most of the questions are yes/no with a possibility to give a comment or explanation per topic.


The questionnaire is anonymous, everybody gets the same link. The answers will only be viewed by Sjoerd Wouda, the Safety, Health and Environment advisor of NWO-I. He will process the answers to general findings for NSCR. Any traceability by comments or explanations or combination of specific anwsers will be filtered out for the general findings. You are requested to fill in your research group but the report will only list findings for groups in which more than ten people responded. If less then ten people respond in a group their anwsers will only be used for NSCR wide findings.

Thank you

The more people fill out the questionnaire the better we can improve our workenvironment. Your cooperation is therefor highly appreciated.

The final RI&E will be available to all employees.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire or the RI&E you can contact Sjoerd. (, 0620640070)




    How do you identify yourself?



    Did you start at NSCR within the last two years?



    Are you employed bij NWO-I?



    My group is:






    Did you receive information about setting up an ergonomic workspace at home?



    Did you receive information about adjusting your workspace at the office?



    Did you receive information about how you should perform your work?



    Did you receive training for the equipment and software you use?



    Did you receive information about how you can do you work in a safe way?



    Did you receive information about the prevention of workstress and work pressure?



    Did you receive information about the policy regarding undesirable behaviour?



    When your work at an other location regularly. Are you familiar with the riscs and mitigating measures at that location?



    Do you know who is responsible for what within the institute?



    Do you receive timely information about changes in work?









    Do you know the rules regarding absenteeism?



    Are the rules regarding absenteeism followed?









    Is the evacuation signal loud and clear at your workspace at the office?



    Do you know what you have to do in case of an emergency?



    Do supervisors adress employees when they don't work safe?



    Are working conditions a regular topic in work meetings?









    Do you know what work activities your supervisor expects from you?



    Do you know what your tasks are?



    Do you knwo what your supervisor expects from you?



    Do you know what authority you have in your function?



    Do you expect you need addional training due to changes in your work in the upcoming year?



    Do you work under time pressure for more than 50% of you time?



    Do you have peaks in your workload for more than four time a year?



    Did you have trouble concentrating at work in the last three months?



    In general, do you enjoy your work?



    Do you have enough variety in your work?



    Do you have enough influence on deadlines?



    Do you suffer from conflicting tasks (responsible but not authorized)?



    Is there a good atmosphere between coworkers?



    Do you recieve support from your coworkers?



    Do you recieve appreciation from your coworkers?



    Do you recieve appreciation from your supervisor?



    Do you have a good relation with your supervisor?



    Does your supervisor tell you whether your work is good or not?



    Do you regularly get feedback on the results of your work?



    Did you have enough time for your work tasks in the last three months?



    Is it clear how decisions in the institute are made?






    Undesirable behavior



    Do you personally get assaulted, threathend or intimidated at work?



    Do you personally get assaulted, threathend or intimidated by clients, customars, public?



    Do you suffer from undesirable behavior at work?



    Do you know what the procedure is when you experiency or witness undesired behaviour?



    Is prevention of undesired behaviour sometimes a topic in work meetings?









    Do you work at the office?



    Do you work from home?



    Office work space



    Is the office clean enough?



    Do you suffer from annoying or bothersome noise at the office? *



    Are you content with the temperature in the office? *



    Are you content with the air quality in the office?



    Do you suffer from draughts in the office? *



    Do you suffer from annoying or bothersome noise at the office and if so could you specify this in the explanation? (E.g. Co-workers on the phone, machines, echoing noise)



    Can you easily read your monitor in the office? *



    Can you make changes to your workspace yourself?




    Please give an explanation here for questions marked with an *.


    Home work space



    Do you have the right equipment at home to do your work?



    Do you have an ergonomic workspace at home?



    Can you concentrate enough on work at home?



    Do you have adequate lighting at home?









    Can you visit the compagny doctor without prior consultation at work?



    At the office, do you alternate between screen-work and other work after no more than two hours?



    At home, do you alternate between screen-work and other work after no more than two hours?



    At the office, do you alternate between sitting-work and other work after no more than 30 minutes?



    At home, do you alternate between sitting-work and other work after no more than 30 minutes?



    At the office, do you daily take your breaks?



    At home, do you daily take your breaks?



    Do you have enough time to get out of you workspace between meetings?






    Agreements hybrid working



    Have you made an agreement with your supervisor about hybrid working?



    If so, do you have this agreement in writing?



    Have you made agreements with your coworkers about hybrid working?



    If so, do you have these in writing?






    Confidental Infomation