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Final agreement on collective labour agreement (CAO) 2018-2019

Salaries will increase by 2 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019, and it will be possible to temporarily reduce working time. This is stated in the final agreement on the Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions (CAO-OI) 2018-2019.

There was already a so-called negotiated agreement. On 12 February 2018, the employers united in the WVOI (NWO, NWO-I and KB) together with the employee organisations (AC/FBZ, CNV Overheid, FNV Overheid and VAWO/CMHF) had already concluded an agreement in principle concerning a new collective labour agreement. The employee organisations subsequently submitted that agreement to their members. On 27 March, they announced that the CAO agreement was final.

The CAO is effective from 1 January 2018 and has a duration of two years. The most important agreements are stated below.

Salary increase
Salaries will be increased by 2 percent with effect from 1 February 2018. Employees for whom the salary increase works out less than € 1,000 gross per year in the case of a full-time employment contract will receive a one-off supplement in July to bring the amount up to € 1,000. With effect from 1 January 2019, the salaries will be increased by 2.4 percent.

Sustainable deployability
The parties to the CAO agreed upon measures to safeguard the sustainable deployability in the CAO and to make this discussable in the organisation. For example, there will be a generation plan scheme under which employees five years or less away from retirement age can work for one or two days less per week against 50% of the salary and with complete pension accrual.

To improve the balance between work and private life, you will soon be able to use the AVOM (Tailor-made Terms of Employment) to save up to a maximum of 890 hours of holiday leave, so that you can temporarily adjust your working time. This is under the condition that by the time you start saving it will be agreed how and when you will use the hours saved.

The final agreement can be downloaded in the Dutch news item (in Dutch only). The text from the CAO-OI (EN) is available via the WVOI-website.

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