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Courses for PhD students

NWO-I has developed a range of training courses for  PhD's at the University Workgroups (BUW) and PhD's working at the participating NWO Institutes AMOLF, ARCNL, CWI, DIFFER, Nikhef, NIOZ, and SRON. These courses are all given in English.

NWO-I invites PhD's from the participating institutes for the training courses at a certain point in their PhD trajectory, in agreement with the P&O department of their institute. If you work at another institute and would like to participate, or if your training needs differ from the offered courses, then please contact your P&O department.

Training format

All trainings are live.
Live means on location at the NWO-I Office in Utrecht.

Your contribution
Taking charge of your PhD Project  None
Scientific Writing None
Presenting Science None
Career Orientation A personal contribution of € 700 gross (about €350 net), this will be settled with your transition allowance
Online training Science Integrity None

Online training Science Integrity

NWO-I wants their trainee researchers to keep aware of research integrity in daily practice. Discussing integrity is essential as it contributes to an open, safe, and inclusive research culture in which good scientific practices are ensured. NWO-I, therefore, offers four online modules to combine with the Dilemma Game App. This training is for all NWO-I PhD students and researchers in the first year of their appointment. It is part of the NWO-I training programme for PhD students.
You can register for the training here and download the app here.
More information can be found in the programme (see attachment at the bottom of this page).

Participation postdocs

Although the training courses have primarily been developed for PhD's, NWO-I postdocs are nevertheless welcome to take part. If you as a postdoc are interested in one of the training courses stated above, then make this known to the P&O department of your institute. 
N.B.: For postdocs, the same investment in the form of holiday leave hours applies as for researchers in training (see table above).

Bussiness orientation

NWO-I Business Orientations provides third- and fourth-year PhD students with the (online) opportunity to experience dynamics within organizations outside of academia.

The ASML online PhD excursion took place on 22 February 2024.

Workshops VitaalEnergiek

NWO-I offers workshops for all its employees on vitality in relation to work. These can also be very useful for oios. You can read more about it in the attachment at the bottom of this page.


For more information about the NWO-I courses, please send an email to

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