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Time writing: frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions on time writing at NWO-I.

Leave - general
Leave - extaordinary types of leave
Sick leave
Time writing
Time writing (occasion and background)

Leave - general

  • In which system do I register my leave?
    Youforce is the source system for viewing, submitting and approving personnel mutations, which also includes recording leave.

  • Who registers leave in Youforce?
    As an employee, you register your leave days or holiday period(s) yourself in Youforce.
  • When do I register leave?
    Leave can be registered in advance in Youforce, but can also be registered afterwards. When registering afterwards, make sure that there is only little time between 'the leave taken' and its registration (see also: when did I submit my time sheet on time?).
  • How do I register leave?
    You can register leave in Youforce, either via your desktop or via the Youforce app.
  • Does my supervisor need to (formally) approve leave in Youforce before I register it in Youforce?
    No, it was decided in the BVO that employees can/may register leave in Youforce afterwards. This process in Youforce therefore does not include an approval step from manager. Naturally, you coordinate your leave intake in advance with your immediate supervisor and close colleagues.
  • How do my leave days show up in my time sheet?
    There is an automatic data exchange (link) between Youforce and U4ERP.
  • If I register leave in Youforce as an employee, when does this information appear in my time sheet?
    The information transfer of data from Youforce to your timesheet in U4ERP takes about 2 - 15 minutes. The transfer of data from Beaufort to U4ERP is very fast. However, the interval of data transfer between Youforce and Beaufort is set to 15 minutes by Visma|Raet. If your leave mutation is at the end of this interval then your leave is in your time sheet within a few minutes, if you are at the beginning of the interval then it may take 15 minutes.
  • Where do I see my leave balance?
    Employees can see their own leave balances in Youforce, managers can see those of their employees.
  • Is the information in Youforce also available in English?
    Yes, you can adjust this yourself via Personal Settings, where you can choose between Dutch and English. When switching from one language to another, you may encounter problems, in which case just close and restart your browser.
  • Does Youforce take into account which 'leave type' should be written off first?
    If you register leave through the app, you will automatically be directed to take the statutory leave, this given the earlier expiry date; however, if you want to deviate from this you can.
  • What should I do if I want to edit/correct a leave record in Youforce?
    In this case, withdraw your 'old' leave application, then submit a new/amended application.
  • What if I am long-term sick and still want to take/register leave?
    In such a case, contact your HRM department, together we can look at the best way to administer/deduct this, as the payroll department also needs to be informed about this, as discounted salary due to long-term illness does not apply to leave days.

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Leave - extraordinary types of leave

  • How does it work with regard to special leave? 
    There are special forms of leave that - once administratively processed by the HRM department - are automatically placed in your time sheet with the code BYZ. This concerns leave due to: death of blood relative, childbirth partner, birth/paternity leave, foster child, adoption, exercise of the right to vote, calamities, bereavement leave.

  • How does it work with regard to social leave?
    Similar to the special leave, this form of leave - once administratively processed by the HRM department – is  automatically placed in your time sheet with the code BYZ.

  • How does it work with regard to short-term care leave?
    This form of leave - once administratively processed by the HRM department - is automatically placed in your time sheet with the code ZOR.

  • How does it work with regard to long-term care leave?
    This form of leave involves adjustment of your work pattern, the changed work pattern is automatically included in the data transfer (link) between Youforce and U4ERP. In the time sheet you account for your hours in accordance with the adjusted work schedule.

  • How does it work with regard to maternity leave?
    This form of leave involves adjustment of your work pattern, the changed work pattern is automatically included in the data transfer (link) between Youforce and U4/ERP. In the time sheet you account for your hours in accordance with the adjusted work schedule.

  • How does it work with regard to parental leave?
    This form of leave involves adjustment of your work pattern, the changed work pattern is automatically included in the data transfer (link) between Youforce and U4ERP. In the time sheet you account for your hours in accordance with the adjusted work schedule.

  • How does it work with regard to additional birth leave?
    Here there are two options: in case of a continuous period: for this, once the HRM department has processed this form of leave administratively, it is automatically placed in your timesheet with the code BYZ. For a 'fragmented' period (e.g. a long period of 1 day per week): this variant involves adapting your work pattern, the modified work pattern is automatically included in the data transfer (link) between Youforce and U4ERP. In the time sheet you account for your hours in accordance with the modified work schedule.
  • How does it work with regard to participation generation plan?
    This form of leave involves adjustment of your work pattern, the changed work pattern is automatically included in the data transfer (link) between Youforce and U4/ERP, in the time sheet you account for your hours in accordance with the adjusted work schedule.

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Sick leave

  • Where are my sick and recovered reports recorded?
    Youforce is the source system for viewing, submitting and approving personnel mutations, including sick leave registration, so sick and recovery notifications are also recorded in Youforce.

  • Who registers my sick and recovered reports?
    This differs per institute, but registration is done by the manager or the HRM department. The most important thing is that you notify your manager of your report of illness or recovery in time (see also 'when are reports of illness or recovery registered').

  • When are sick and recovered reports registered?
    It is important that you submit your sick or recovered report on the first day of its occurrence.

  • How do my sick and/or recovered reports show up in my timesheet?
    There is an automatic data exchange (link) between Youforce and U4/ERP.

  • If sick or recovered reports have been entered into Youforce by my supervisor or HRM, when does this information appear in my time sheet?
    The information transfer of data from Youforce to your timesheet takes about 2 - 15 minutes. The transfer of data from Beaufort to U4ERP is very fast. However, the interval of data transfer between Youforce and Beaufort is set at 15 minutes by Visma|Raet. If your absence report is at the end of this interval, your absence report will appear in your time sheet within a few minutes; if you are at the beginning of the interval, it may take 15 minutes.

  • I have been sick but I don't see my sick report in my timesheet (yet)?
    In that case, contact your manager. They or HRM department will have to enter the sick report in Youforce, after which you can fill in/adjust your timesheet again.

  • I am recovered after a period of illness but do not see my recovered report in my time sheet (yet)?
    In that case, contact your manager; the recovered report must still be entered in Youforce by your supervisor or HRM department, as sick hours in your timesheet cannot be overwritten with hours worked.

  • I see that my first sick day is registered at 100% sick even though I still worked part-time that day, is this correct?
    If this occurs, you should contact your maanger and/or the HRM department. They can/should adjust this.

  • What if I am long-term sick and still want to take/register leave?
    In such a case, contact your HRM department, together we can see how best to administer/book this, the payroll department should also be informed about this, as discounted salary due to long-term illness does not apply to leave days.

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Time writing / timesheet

  • In which system do I write time?
    Unit4ERP is the source system for recording time with regard to regular and/or project work.

  • What do I record in my timesheet?
    In the time sheet, you register your regular working hours, project/productive hours, visits to a doctor (using the time code 'MEDIC') and/or time spent on necessary supervision of a partner, blood relative, housemate, social partner in connection with a doctor/hospital visit (using the time code 'MEDIC').

  • Do I also have to record leave and absence (sick and/or recovered reports) myself in my time sheet?  
    No, leave and abscence data (after entry in Youforce) are automatically entered in your time sheet. You cannot change these data in your time sheet either. You register leave yourself in Youforce, the registration of absence reports in Youforce is the responsibility of managers or the HRM department.

  • I see in my time sheet that something is wrong regarding leave, what should I do?      Go to Youforce and adjust your leave day or period. This correction will then be automatically reflected in your time sheet.

  • I see in my time sheet that something is wrong regarding sick leave, what should I do?
    Inform your supervisor or HRM, they are responsible for correct absence records, once the correction has been made in Youforce it will automatically be reflected in your time sheet.

  • When do I need to submit my time sheet?
    It is wise to update your time sheet every week, the time sheet must be completed/submitted by you and approved by your supervisor within one month in which the work took place, thus complying with EU regulations.

  • When do I need to submit my time sheet?
    It is wise to update your time sheet every week, the time sheet must be completed/submitted by you and approved by your supervisor within one month in which the work took place, thus complying with EU regulations.

  • Who approves my time sheet?
    Approval of your timesheet is arranged as follows:

    -             all time entries related to leave and absence are automatically approved by the system, all time entries in U4ERP on projects/work orders are approved by managers;

    -             your project hours are approved by the person responsible for the work order if this  is set as an indicator on the project;

    -             your project hours are approved by the project manager when the work order manager and the project manager are two different people.

  • Do I start weekly with a blank or pre-filled time sheet?
    Institutes decide for themselves whether they want to start with an empty or pre-filled timesheet; as an employee, you can also call up a previously used timesheet yourself, via 'copy timesheet'.

  • Should I also record overtime in my time sheet?
    No, overtime is ordered by your manager and is an HRM process and is therefore not recorded in the time sheet; when it occurs, it is handled administratively by the HRM department in accordance with the collective labour agreement.

  • If I want to exchange a public holiday, do I need to record it in my time sheet?
    No, the possible exchange of holidays is subject to discussion between manager and employee; recording of this is not facilitated in/via the time sheet. Administrative handling of this takes place in mutual consultation between employee, manager and HRM.

  • Where does the work schedule in my timesheet come from?
    The work schedule you see in your time sheet comes from Youforce. This information is automatically transfered (link) from Youforce to your time sheet in U4ERP. A 2-hour interval is set on this data transfer, starting at 9am and ending at 7pm.

  • What other information in my timesheet comes from Youforce?
    All your employee data comes from Youforce, the same applies to data relating to the department you work in and the position you hold.

  • What should I do if my (employee) details are not correct in my timesheet?
    If personal data is incorrect, or data related to your work schedule, department or position, adjust it yourself via the appropriate processes in Youforce or contact the HRM department.

  • How many working hours can I write per day?
    You can record a maximum of 12 working hours per day in your time sheet, this is in accordance with the Working Hours Act.

  • How many working hours per week should I write?
    You account weekly for exactly the hours to be accounted for that the work schedule indicates, note that the time sheet cannot be submitted if the total hours do not match the work schedule.

  • Can I also register time ahead?
    No, that is not possible (anymore). Time sheets always takes place afterwards, all future time sheets are therefore closed. You always see the oldest time sheet to be completed first.

  • The leave registered by me in Youforce automatically appears in my time sheet, will I also see a leave balance in my time sheet?
    No, as the leave administration is done in YouForce, the time sheet will not include a leave balance.
  • Should I also register public holidays in my time sheet?
    No, public holidays are automatically entered (with 0.00 hours) in the time sheet, no hours need to be accounted for by the employee for this.
  • Can I also register time if I work on Saturdays and Sundays?
    Saturday and Sunday are not regular working days, however: you can write time on these days.
  • Until when can I amend a timesheet (retroactively)?
    We assume that everyone completes and submits his/her timesheet on time and correctly, however, if things need to be adjusted retrospectively this is possible. However: timesheets from the past are closed when all timesheets of the relevant period have been financially booked through, from then on no corrections can be made.
  • What if leave and/or absence hours are added/changed/removed, but the timesheet has already been financially booked?
    In such a situation, Functional Management U4ERP is automatically notified by e-mail. In Youforce, leave and sickness must be removed by HRM. 
  •  Is the information in U4ERP also available in English?
    Yes. When creating an employee in U4ERP, the request form asks in which language U4ERP should be made available (NL or ENG). If you want to change this over time, you need to contact your colleagues from U4ERP functional management. When switching from one language to another you may encounter problems, in that case close and restart your browser.
  • How do I register a visit to doctor/homeopath?
    You record this in your timesheet via the time code MEDIC; this time code is explicitly intended for visits to a (para)medic and/or for the necessary accompaniment of a (social) partner, blood relative and/or housemate when visiting a doctor or hospital.

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Time writing (occasion / background)

  • When and by whom was this decision made?
    In November 2019, it was decided by the Foundation Board to move to an NWO-I wide implementation of timekeeping.
  • Why do we register time within the NWO-I?
    We write time because it is the basis for our financial project justification with, among other things, impact on the allocation of project grants (think of RVO and EU awards). In addition, it provides insight into our use of time and the efficiency of our scientific project organization.
  • Why timekeeping through one unified application?
    We write our time in U4ERP because it satisfies the equality principle. It ensures that we can vouch for each other in the desired compliance with time writing in the context of vital business operations. It ensures that we comply with conclusive timekeeping. Finally, it ensures that project subsidies and VAT benefits are optimally realized.
  • Who writes time?
    Within the NWO-I, we have agreed to write time integrally, so every staff member writes time.

  • When and by whom was this decided?
    In November 2019, it was decided by the Foundation Board to move to an NWO-I-wide implementation of timekeeping.

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