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NWO Women+ in STEM panel session

  • 27 February 2024 17:00 - 19:00 hrs
  • CWI, Amsterdam Science Park

This event is organised within the framework of the International Women's Day on the 8th of March and is geared towards people who identify as women or non-binary at all levels.

With this event, we hope to spark a lively discussion about the challenges and experiences as a minority the scientific workplace; to inform, inspire, and share our experiences with all women+ in NWO institutes and thereby build a network of trust and support. In order to have a holistic as possible overview of experiences, our group of 3 to 4 speakers all come from different cultural backgrounds, are at different stages in their careers, and are from different NWO Institutes.

In an effort to create a safe space for all participants, the event will be held in-person and will not be recorded. Drinks and snacks will be provided, so please help us estimate the capacity by signing up.

Time and location

Tuesday 27th of February, from 17:00 to 19:00
CWI, Amsterdam Science Park (meet at 16:55 at the entrance to the CWI building)


Please use this weblink to register. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Project leader D&I NWO-I Judith Kreukels at



  • Women+ Drinks 27 Feb 2024 (403.14 kB)
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